Ideas for Creative Living

Ideas for Creative Living

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DIY sun prints

It's summer, the sun is finally here and school is long gone, which means that the kids and I have time to make things like these sun print books. You just need a few sheets of construction paper,...

Make It Easy – watercolor birds

Carla Sonheim is a painter, illustrator, and creativity workshop instructor known for her fun and innovative projects and techniques designed to help adult students recover a more spontaneous,...

Make It Easy – paper quilling

Today the first Make It Easy tutorial will be posted to Honey's blog and before you head over to learn how to make beautiful gift tags using this special technique, please read about Honey and what...

Make It Easy (Etsy Educationals)

I am very excited that after several weeks of planning, hundreds of emails, managing time differences across the globe and all the usual troubles with getting photos the correct size, I can now...


Have you met Kristan from adelynSTONE? If not, hop on over to her lovely blog and say hello. I was browsing her blog the other night and I saw this tutorial she had for pinwheels and I have been...

Ice cream cone cupcakes

I am going to lay claim to having invented the idea of ice cream cone cupcakes. Last week. In my own head.Imagine my surprise following the discovery that people have been making them for years and...