I am very excited that after several weeks of planning, hundreds of emails, managing time differences across the globe and all the usual troubles with getting photos the correct size, I can now announce the start of a special blog series we are calling Make It Easy (Etsy Educationals).
Make It Easy is a series of 11 crafting tutorials hosted by talented, artistic and enthusiastic women. You will be shown how to create 11 unique and beautiful items ~ there will be one tutorial every day for the next 11 days ~ and we really hope you will find some inspiration to get your craft on!
At the end of the series we will have a wonderful ebook available for a small fee of $1.99. All the tutorials will be in this one convenient download that you will be able to print off and read over and over (before you get started on making). The money will go to the person whose blog you download it from and by doing so, you will be showing your support for the hard work of this crafting community. Thank you!
I want to outline our schedule for this first week and introduce you to the artistic ladies who have been working hard to create tutorials that share their skills with you. I will post about the second week contributors next week so that they too, get their moment in the limelight but in the meantime you can check out everyone’s blogs by clicking the links above.
Tues June 21
Honey has been crafting since she was very young. She learned crochet from her grandmother when she was 9 years old and that is still one of her favorite crafts. Paper quilling, however, is her top favorite, especially to create jewelry out of paper quilling. She will be posting a tutorial on how to quill paper to make some unique gift tags.
Carla Sonheim is a painter, illustrator, and creativity workshop instructor known for her fun and innovative projects and techniques designed to help adult students recover a more spontaneous, playful approach to creating. Carla will show you how to paint with watercolors and will have you producing a beautifully simple work of art ~ even if you haven’t used a paintbrush for a very long time.
Thurs June 23
Lisa started her blog in March 2011 it has grown into a fascinating hobby and she now often features interviews with great crafters, easy-to-follow tutorials as well as blogging on day-to-day life of a stay-at-home mum. She has a very creative way to make a pretty banner for special occasions.
Fri June 24
Maggy Woodley is a Mum of Two living in the UK. She launched her craft blog Red Ted Art in order to share her craft ideas for both children and adults – hoping to inspire others to “have a go” and “have fun” with their children or to discover new crafts and ideas for themselves. Maggy has a really wonderful pillowcase dress tutorial to share with you.
Sat June 25
Sara Nicole is 24 years old and has been married almost 2 years now. She graduated in December of ’09 from Columbia College Chicago with a B.A. in Art History with a focus on Architecture & Design. Sara Nicole will share her fantastic tutorial for creating envelopes from re purposed magazines.
Sun June 26
Noemi lives in Salamanca, Spain with her husband and two daughters. She has always been involved in art one way or another and has a degree in Interior Design. Recently, enameling and metalsmithing have become her main focus and she also practices beadworking to embellish her work. Noemi will inspire you to create a beautiful necklace or bracelet ready to show off over the summer months.
Are you wondering who made our lovely graphics for this project? Jeanne from EarlyBirdGraphics created our banner and badge in no time flat. She was friendly, fast and did an amazing job. Please consider visiting her store if you are in need of someone to create something wonderful for you.