We all have a stack of magazines laying around. Why not put them to use? Sara Nicole’s tutorial will teach you how to make stylish envelopes that are eco friendly as well. This tutorial is the 5th tutorial in our Make It Easy series. To find out more about this collaborative project please see this blog post.
Before you go and check out Sara Nicole’s lovely tutorial, read a bit about her here.
My name is Sara Nicole and I am 24 years old and married almost 2 years now. I graduated in December of ’09 from Columbia College Chicago with a B.A. in Art History with a focus on Architecture & Design. Just before moving to Michigan in March of 2010 I started selling my mini scrapbooks on Etsy. I have since added party supplies to the store as well! In October 2010 I had my thyroid removed and have been working full time on my craft ever since. Art and creativity has always been a part of my life and I love being able to share my work with the entire world!