I was given a hand drill by Fiskars a while ago, which I thought would be a perfect tool for my children to use. It requires no batteries or plugs and relies on pure strength and determination to keep it going, and what’s more, it tires the kids out and that’s never a bad thing.
We are lucky to live near the beach, which means wet towels, sandy floors, sandy floors, sandy floors and buckets of treasures. After a recent trip to the beach and yet another bucket of shells and driftwood, my 7 yr old took it upon himself to find the hand drill and make his own jewelry.
I’m impressed I had the foresight to provide him with a suitable drilling surface instead of our fine outdoor table (thanks Bethy).
He loved this project and is so proud of his creations. What impresses me the most is that he looked at his shells and said to himself, ‘that’ll make some nice jewelry’ and he just went and did it. Worked out that it’s best to drill on the back of the shells rather than the front since the drill can slip on the surface, put just the right amount of pressure on the shells so that they did not break or crack AND made a necklace for his sister.
I am happy to provide him the tools so that he may use them to create his dreams. Long may it last!